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Sales & Partnerships
Sales & Partnerships

Product DEMO Call Template

How to captivate your audience and close more deals
Click here to copy!

Instruction: Update the summary based on this template below


  • Summarize past conversations
  • Give background on product/organization
  • Explain product or service

Company Overview

Create short company blurb and include value prop

Demo Notes


To do

How to use this template for your next meeting

Want to have automatically generated meeting notes in the specific template format above? Just follow these easy steps!

screen recording showing how to copy the template and paste it as a prompt in Wudpecker's meeting notes
Steps 4-7

Step 1: Log in / Sign up to Wudpecker’s browser app.

Step 2: Conduct your meeting with Wudpecker’s notetaker admitted in it.

Step 3: Go to the Templates section on the Wudpecker website. Select the template you want to use.

Step 4: Press the “Click here to copy” button.

Step 5: In the Wudpecker app, open the notes of the meeting that you want to use the template for.

Step 6: In the notes, click on “Re-write with custom prompt”

Step 7: Paste (Ctrl/Cmd + V) the template that you copied and press “Re-write notes”. You should see the notes in just a couple of minutes.

Why this template is useful

The DEMO call template is a useful tool for ensuring that your product demonstrations are structured, comprehensive, and effective. The template provides an outline of the key topics that should be covered during the call, including a summary of past conversations, background on the product or organization, an explanation of the product or service, a company overview, demo notes, feedback, and to-do items.

Using the DEMO call template ensures that you have a clear plan for the call and helps you to stay on track throughout the presentation. It also ensures that you cover all of the important information about your product or service, including its features, benefits, and value proposition. By following the template, you can create a more engaging and effective demo that resonates with your audience.

When using the template, it's important to tailor it to your specific audience and their needs. This might mean highlighting different aspects of the product or service, or providing more or less background information depending on the level of familiarity the audience has with your organization. You should also be prepared to adapt the demo notes and to-do items based on the feedback you receive during the call.

Overall, the DEMO call template is a useful tool for ensuring that your product demos are structured, effective, and engaging. By following the outline provided by this template, you can create a more compelling demo that resonates with your audience and helps you to achieve your goals.


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