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How AI Meeting Search Can Make New Employees Thrive in Hybrid Work

November 24, 2023
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Last updated
November 24, 2023
Hai Ta
How AI Meeting Search Can Make New Employees Thrive in Hybrid Work
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We are seeing that remote work is not just an interim solution, but rather a long-term shift in the way we function professionally. This transition has significantly reshaped the process of onboarding.

Previously, learning from senior colleagues was an organic process, often facilitated by shadowing them in the office. Now, however, the dynamics have shifted drastically.

Senior professionals prefer to work remotely, whether that's from their homes, a mobile van travelling across the continent, or a sunbed in Honolulu.

Chilling by the pool

The inherent spatial disconnect has forced new employees to rely heavily on digital communication platforms like Slack.

However, having to write out every question can be tough. When you're new, it's normal to have a lot of basic or "silly" questions. But having to stare at your question on the screen and press send - it's a bit scary, isn't it?

A blanket return to the office to “foster company culture” isn’t a solution. Not everyone’s onboard, as seen from people’s reaction. Instead, the focus should be on enhancing access to information.

Right now, a lot of information is buried in long meeting recordings or scattered across different tools. You’d need implicit knowledge of where to find what, which kind of defeats the purpose.

With today's technology, every meeting can be recorded, every conversation documented, and every file shared and saved. But with so much data, vital information can often become lost in the noise.

I remembered frequently trying to find a topic with a certain title in the company’s wiki, only to receive three different search results. Each contains entirely different content. It seldom got me closer to the answer.

AI search through meetings

But what if we could make this process easier? What if there was a tool that could sift through this sea of information and pick out the relevant bits?

This certain AI tool has the power to index and analyze every meeting transcript, file, and message that a new employee has access to. It's like having your very own personal assistant who knows exactly where everything is stored, and can fetch it for you in an instant.

If you have a question, simply ask the tool. No more scouring through hours of meeting recordings or asking what might feel like silly questions. With this AI tool, the answer is just a query away.

How would work be then?

By utilizing AI to streamline information access, we can revolutionize the onboarding process. No longer will new employees have to spend precious hours searching for the information they need. This allows them to focus on the tasks at hand, thereby increasing efficiency and productivity.

What's more, having easy access to information can drastically reduce the stress and anxiety that often comes with being new. Questions are natural when starting a new job.

In a world where remote work is becoming the norm, we believe that access to information shouldn't be a scavenger hunt.

Tools like Wudpecker helps make onboarding smoother and less intimidating, fostering a more inclusive, productive, and stress-free work environment. And isn't that what we all want in the end?

Automatic quality online meeting notes
Try Wudpecker for free
How AI Meeting Search Can Make New Employees Thrive in Hybrid Work
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How AI Meeting Search Can Make New Employees Thrive in Hybrid Work
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How AI Meeting Search Can Make New Employees Thrive in Hybrid Work
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