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Is AI Ruining the Quality of Products?

June 17, 2024
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June 17, 2024
Anika Jahin
Is AI Ruining the Quality of Products?
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Artificial Intelligence (AI) is no longer a futuristic concept; it is deeply embedded in our daily lives. From our smartphones predicting text to social media platforms suggesting friends, AI has transformed how we interact with technology.

However, as AI has become universal, we face a significant challenge: the misuse and overuse of AI technologies. Many applications implement AI just for the sake of it, leading to suboptimal user experiences and a frenzy among tech companies to jump on the AI bandwagon.

But is this rapid proliferation of AI truly beneficial, or is it causing more harm than good?

Are we sacrificing quality and usability in our rush to integrate AI into every aspect of technology?

This blog will explore the problems with current AI implementations, propose how AI should be integrated to truly benefit users, and showcase real-life examples of how to do it right.

What Is AI?

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a kind of technology that lets computers and machines think and solve problems the way people do. It uses special steps, called algorithms, to learn from information and get better at making guesses over time. This technology works a bit like the human brain and is used in things like voice helpers on your phone and cars that drive themselves.

AI has been around since the 1950s, but its applications have accelerated in recent years, particularly with the advancements in machine learning and deep learning. Despite its long history, AI has often been misunderstood or overlooked by the general public. This is partly due to the fact that AI is often used in the background, making it invisible to users. For example, AI is used in virtual assistants like Siri and Alexa, but users are not directly aware of the AI processing that enables these assistants to respond to their queries.

The Problem with the AI Frenzy

Remember those voice assistants that were supposed to be our robot butlers a few years back?

Yeah, turns out managing your life with bad jokes and weather updates isn't exactly the revolution they promised. This is the AI Frenzy in a nutshell.

These days, companies slap "AI-powered" on everything from toasters to treadmills, regardless of whether it actually makes the thing better. Think "smart" fitness trackers that give you random workout suggestions  – not exactly personalized training, right?

It's all about marketing buzzwords, not real benefits.

Then there's the stuff where AI could be awesome, but the tech just isn't there yet. Virtual assistants like Alexa and Siri started out promising to change the game.


They struggle with anything beyond basic stuff. Like Google Assistant – it is supposed to be your digital life manager, but it can barely handle more than setting alarms. The technology just can't handle all the twists and turns of, you know, human life.

Imagine this: You're planning a romantic dinner and ask your AI assistant for the "best restaurant." After 20 minutes of explaining your dream date, you get a list of fancy Michelin-starred places. Great for foodies, but not exactly setting the mood for love, right? The AI can't understand the "romantic" part, leaving you frustrated and without a clue.

So, what's the real problem?

The AI Frenzy is a double whammy. First, companies label things with AI when they don't need it, making them worse. Second, products that could actually benefit from good AI are stuck with technology that's still on its training wheels. This results in a bunch of frustrating services that don't deliver on their promises.

The bottom line?

Let's focus on making AI that actually helps people, not just sells products. When AI has a heart, then we'll see a real revolution.

How AI Should Be Implemented

Does AI actually make our lives better, or is it just a shiny distraction?

Here's the thing: AI has the potential to be incredible. Imagine a tool that takes care of those tedious tasks you hate, freeing you up to focus on the important stuff. That's the kind of AI we should be striving for.

Identifying User Needs

The key is to move beyond the hype and focus on solving real problems. Let's ditch the "AI for everything" mentality and ask a different question:

What are people struggling with?

How can AI genuinely make their lives easier?

Instead of starting with the technology and trying to find a use for it, we should focus on the user's needs first.

Making AI Invisible

This user-centric approach ensures AI becomes an invisible helper, working seamlessly in the background to boost our productivity and well-being. No more struggling with awkward interfaces or features that don't quite meet your needs. This is the kind of AI revolution we can all support.

Real-Life Examples of Great AI Implementation

So, we talked about how AI can be amazing when it tackles real problems.

But hold on, are we talking about robots taking over the world here?

Not quite!

There's already some pretty cool AI stuff happening right now. Let's explore three compelling case studies that demonstrate the power of AI in solving real-world problems.

Automate Content Creation with Jarvis

The Problem

Ever feel like your brain hits a wall when it comes to creating new content for your website or blog? Yeah, us, too.The pressure to pump out interesting stuff that grabs people's attention can be brutal, especially when you're short on time and resources.

Writing great content takes forever and requires some serious writing chops. But what if there was a tool that could help you create awesome content without all the hassle?

The Solution

Jarvis Content Creator can be used as your secret weapon in the content creation game. Think of it as your super-powered sidekick that uses AI to whip up high-quality content that resonates with your audience.

Jarvis can analyze what you already have (think blog posts, website copy, etc.) and use that knowledge to generate fresh, truly unique, and engaging content. Plus, it monitors the SEO best practices, helping your content rank higher in search results.

Use Case

In a scenario where new employees are struggling to grasp intricate software, which is consuming your team's time with never-ending inquiries, Jarvis can provide assistance. By providing key functionalities and target user info, Jarvis generates clear, concise tutorials. Newbies get up to speed faster, and your team can focus on bigger things.

Automate Meeting Summary with Wudpecker

The Problem

Ever leave a meeting feeling like your brain just exploded from trying to take notes?

Manual note-taking can be a significant burden, especially for teams that need to capture important information from meetings and discussions.

The Solution

Wudpecker’s AI note-taker, with the power of ChatGPT 4o, analyzes conversations and can automatically capture everything said in a meeting, including those super important action items.

Wudpecker can be used for all online meetings as well as in-person meetings, scheduled or spontaneous,uous because of the availability of their desktop app.

No more scrambling to remember who said what – Wudpecker gets it all.

This approach saves countless hours of note-taking and ensures accurate capture of important information.

Use Case

Capturing notes and summaries from sales meetings. Wudpecker's automated note-taking app can help create detailed records of customer conversations, including action items and next steps, which can be shared with the rest of the sales team.

Then, click “Save & Close”.

Track in Real-time with FedEx SenseAware

The Problem

Imagine shipping something super important – medicine, a priceless painting, or even a new phone. You worry sick about it getting bumped around, spoiling, or just disappearing during its journey. That's the stress delivery companies face every day, especially with delicate or valuable items.

Traditional tracking just doesn't cut it. You need to know exactly where your stuff is and if it's safe and sound. Damaged or lost shipments mean financial losses (replacements, reshipping) and unhappy customers (broken trust, lost business).

But what could be the answer to this problem? - Preventing problems before they start.

That's where FedEx SenseAware comes in.

The Solution

FedEx SenseAware aims to transform package tracking with state-of-the-art AI for peace of mind. Think of it as a super-powered tracking system with a built-in brain.

Here's the magic: a small sensor is attached to your package. This sensor acts like a little spy, monitoring factors such as temperature, humidity, light exposure, and even impacts. All this data is then transmitted to a secure online platform, providing you with real-time information about the location of your package and its surroundings.

But SenseAware doesn't stop there. The AI technology kicks in if something appears to be wrong. For instance, if the temperature becomes too high for your medication, SenseAware will alert you so that you can respond. This can be an excellent use for AI.

Use Case

This solution can be of great use for pharmaceutical companies. SenseAware's real-time monitoring allows the companies to identify temperature deviations immediately.

They can proactively contact FedEx to take corrective actions, such as rerouting shipments or initiating emergency cold chain interventions. This ensures medications remain within the required temperature range, preserving their effectiveness and mitigating safety risks.

These are just a few examples of AI stepping up and solving real problems. By automating tedious tasks, AI is freeing us to focus on what matters, making our lives easier. Now, that's the kind of AI we were talking about!


The rapid expansion of AI technologies has seen both the potential and the drawbacks of AI implementation. While the excitement around AI is justified, it is important to focus on solving real user problems rather than adding AI features for the sake of it.

As we move forward, the key to successful AI integration lies in practical, user-centric solutions that operate seamlessly within our daily lives. By addressing real problems and eliminating unnecessary complexity, AI can fulfil its promise of transforming how we interact with technology.

Ultimately, users do not care whether their apps use AI; they care about whether their problems are being solved efficiently and effectively. By keeping this focus, we can navigate the AI revolution and harness its full potential to create a meaningful, positive impact on our lives.

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Is AI Ruining the Quality of Products?
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Is AI Ruining the Quality of Products?
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Is AI Ruining the Quality of Products?
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