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Meeting Tips

How to Run a Weekly Touch Base Meeting (+ Template)

May 20, 2024
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Last updated
August 20, 2024
Anika Jahin
How to Run a Weekly Touch Base Meeting (+ Template)
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Do you often find yourself overwhelmed with missed deadlines and miscommunications within your team?

Introducing weekly touch base meetings might be the solution you're looking for. These meetings, often referred to as one-on-one meetings or catch up meetings, are dedicated times for managers to connect with team members on a personal level. They help build trust, enhance understanding, and address individual concerns effectively.

In this blog, we'll guide you through everything you need to know about running successful weekly touch base meetings.

We'll cover:

- What a touch base meeting is

- Why you need weekly touch base meetings

- How to run an effective touch base meeting

- A weekly touch base meeting template

- Tips for making these meetings engaging and productive

Let's dive in and transform your team's communication and productivity with effective weekly touch base meetings.

What Is a Touch Base Meeting?

A touch base meeting, also known as one-on-one meeting is a regular, informal meeting between a manager and their team members, designed to facilitate open communication and ensure alignment on goals, progress, and challenges.

Unlike traditional meetings, which often focus on specific projects or tasks, touch base meetings are more personal and centered around the individual team member's experiences, thoughts, and professional development.

These meetings similar to catch-up meetings provide a dedicated time for managers and employees to connect on a deeper level. They help to build trust, address concerns, and keep everyone on the same page.

Key Characteristics of a Touch Base Meeting:

  • Informal Setting: These meetings typically take place in a relaxed environment, whether it's a quiet office space, a nearby coffee shop, or even a virtual meeting room on platforms like Google Meet. The aim is to create a space where team members feel comfortable sharing their thoughts.
  • Regular Schedule: Touch base meetings are most effective when held on a consistent basis, such as weekly or biweekly. This regularity ensures ongoing communication and helps to catch issues early.
  • Focused on the Individual: Unlike team meetings, touch base meetings focus on one-on-one interactions. This allows for personalized feedback and tailored support.
  • Two-Way Communication: These meetings encourage open dialogue, where both the manager and the team member can share updates, feedback, and concerns.

Why Do You Need Weekly Touch Base Meetings

Weekly touch base meetings are essential for fostering a productive and engaged work environment. They serve multiple purposes that collectively contribute to the overall success of the team and the organization. 

Here are some compelling reasons to incorporate weekly touch base meetings into your routine:

(1) Enhanced Communication

Regular touch base meetings ensure that communication channels remain open. They provide a dedicated time for team members to share updates, ask questions, and voice concerns.

This ongoing dialogue helps to prevent misunderstandings and keeps everyone on the same page.

(2) Increased Employee Engagement

Meeting regularly with team members shows that you value their input and are interested in their professional growth. This attention can significantly boost employee engagement and morale.

(3) Proactive Problem Solving

Weekly touch base meetings allow managers to identify and address issues before they escalate. By discussing challenges and obstacles regularly, managers can provide timely support and resources to help team members overcome difficulties.

(4) Goal Alignment

These meetings help ensure that individual goals are aligned with team and organizational objectives. Regularly reviewing and adjusting goals keeps everyone focused on the most important tasks and helps to clarify priorities.

(5) Personalized Support and Development

Weekly touch base meetings provide an opportunity for personalized coaching and mentorship. Managers can offer tailored feedback, recognize achievements, and discuss career development plans.

(6) Building Trust and Relationships

Consistent, informal check-ins help to build stronger relationships between managers and employees. By showing genuine interest in their team members’ well-being and success, managers can foster a culture of trust and respect.

(7) Improved Accountability

Regular touch base meetings hold both managers and team members accountable for their commitments. By setting clear expectations and following up on action items, these meetings ensure that everyone is responsible for their part in achieving the team’s goals.

(8) Adapting to Changes

In fast-paced work environments, priorities and circumstances can change quickly. Weekly touch base meetings provide a forum for discussing these changes and adjusting plans accordingly.

10 Tips for Running an Effective Touch Base Meeting

Running an effective touch base meeting requires careful planning and execution.

Here are some steps and tips to ensure your meetings are productive and engaging:

(1) Set Clear Objectives

Before the meeting, define what you want to achieve. Whether it's discussing project updates, addressing challenges, or setting new goals, having a clear purpose will keep the meeting focused and efficient.

(2) Prepare a Meeting Agenda

A well-structured meeting agenda helps guide the meeting and covers all main points. Share the agenda with your team mates beforehand so they can prepare. 

A meeting agenda might include:

  • Review of the past week's progress
  • Discussion of any roadblocks or challenges
  • Upcoming priorities and tasks
  • Feedback and suggestions
  • Personal development and career growth topics

(3) Create a Comfortable Environment

The setting of your touch base meetings should encourage open communication for both remote and hybrid work. Choose a quiet, informal setting if possible, whether it's a nearby coffee shop or a private meeting room.

For remote and hybrid teams, ensure the virtual meeting setup is distraction-free and comfortable.

Here are some pro tips:

  • Keep it Focused: Stick to the agenda and avoid veering off-topic.
  • Be Present: Give your undivided attention to the team member, avoiding distractions like emails or phone calls.
  • Be Flexible: While having a structure is important, be open to adjusting the conversation based on the team member's needs.
  • Encourage Two-Way Dialogue: Ensure the meeting is a conversation, not a monologue. Listen actively and value your team member's input.

(4) Start with a Check-In

Begin the meeting with a brief check-in to see how your team member is feeling. This can be a simple question about their weekend or a more specific inquiry about their current workload and stress levels. 

This helps build rapport and shows that you care about their well-being.

(5) Review Past Week's Activities

Discuss what was accomplished since the last meeting. Highlight successes and address any unfinished tasks. This helps keep track of progress and ensures accountability.

(6) Discuss Current Projects and Priorities

Talk about ongoing projects and what needs to be prioritized in the coming week. Identify any potential obstacles and brainstorm solutions. This keeps everyone aligned and focused on the right tasks.

(7) Encourage Open Communication

Invite meeting participants to share their thoughts, concerns, and ideas. 

Use open-ended questions to stimulate discussion, such as:

  • How are you feeling today?
  • How has your week been?
  • Is there anything on your mind you'd like to share?
  • What obstacles are you facing with your current project?
  • Can you walk me through the difficulties you encountered last week?
  • What resources do you need to overcome these challenges?
  • What are your main objectives for this week?
  • Are there any skills you'd like to develop this month?
  • How do you see your role evolving in the next quarter?
  • What are your thoughts on the new client we onboarded?
  • Do you have any suggestions for improving our workflow?
  • How would you approach this project differently if given the chance?

(8) Provide Constructive Feedback

Give feedback on performance, recognize achievements, and offer guidance for improvement. Make sure your feedback is specific, actionable, and balanced.

(9) Set Action Items and Follow-Up

Conclude the meeting by summarizing the key points and decisions made. Assign action items with clear deadlines and responsibilities.

Ensure there is a plan for follow-up, whether it's a quick check-in mid-week or addressing progress in the next touch base meeting.

(10) Document Your Session

Knowledge retention in one-on-one meetings is as necessary as knowledge sharing. As a manager, you might want to revisit the notes to find insights or brainstorm new ways of helping your team. But you can't take detailed notes while listening actively. Your concentration will be compromised, and you won't get the most out of that session.

Fortunately, you can utilize Wudpecker's AI meeting assistant to document your touch base meeting without disrupting your conversation.

Here is how:

  • Transcribe Your Sessions: Wudpecker transcribes your touch base meeting in with speaker identification. This allows you to focus solely on the person you're chatting with and how you can help them. You can review and search through the transcript afterward.
  • AI-Powered Meeting Summary: Wudpecker generates a comprehensive meeting summary in seconds, including action items, so you know what to do next at a glance.

Weekly Touch Base Template

Having a structured template for your weekly touch base meetings can greatly enhance their effectiveness and ensure all essential points are covered. 

Here’s a comprehensive template to help guide your meetings and make the most out of your dedicated time with team members:


Weekly touch base meetings are essential for maintaining strong communication, facilitating personal connections, and driving team success. 

Following a structured approach and utilizing a comprehensive template ensures these meetings are productive and engaging. Regularly scheduled touch base meetings help managers stay informed about ongoing tasks, address any challenges, and support the professional development of their team members.

Key takeaways from this blog include understanding the purpose of touch base meetings, the importance of asking open-ended questions, and the value of documenting your sessions for future reference. 


What Do You Call a Weekly Touch Base Meeting?

A weekly touch base meeting is commonly referred to as a "weekly check-in," or "one-on-one meeting." These terms emphasize the regularity and the purpose of the meeting, which is to maintain ongoing communication between a manager and their team member.

How Do You Say Touching Base Professionally?

Professionally, you can say "checking in," "following up," "connecting," or "having a brief meeting." These terms convey the same intent of touching base while maintaining a more formal tone.

For example:

- "Let's have a brief meeting to discuss your progress."

- "I wanted to check in on your current projects."

- "Can we connect to go over the latest updates?"

- "I’d like to follow up on our previous discussion."

How Often Should Touch Base Meetings Be Held?

Touch base meetings are typically held on a weekly or biweekly basis to ensure regular communication and timely support.

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Weekly Touch Base Template

Date: [Insert Date]

Time: [Insert Start Time] - [Insert End Time]

Location: [Specify if it's an in-person or virtual meeting and provide necessary details or links]

1. Opening and Check-In (5 minutes)

Greet and Set the Tone: Begin with a friendly greeting to create a relaxed atmosphere.

Personal Check-In: Ask about the team member’s well-being. Examples:

  • How are you doing today?
  • How was your weekend?
  • Anything exciting happening outside of work?

2. Review of the Past Week (10 minutes)

Progress Updates: Discuss what the team member has accomplished since the last meeting.

  • What were your major achievements this past week?
  • How did your projects progress?

Challenges and Roadblocks: Identify any difficulties or obstacles faced.

  • Were there any challenges you encountered?
  • How can I assist in overcoming these obstacles?

3. Current Projects and Priorities (10 minutes)

Ongoing Projects: Discuss the status of current projects.

  • What are you working on right now?
  • Are there any updates on the current projects?

Upcoming Tasks: Outline tasks and goals for the upcoming week.

  • What are your top priorities for the next week?
  • Do you foresee any potential issues?

4. Feedback and Development (10 minutes)

Provide Feedback: Offer constructive feedback on their recent work.

  • Here’s what you did well...
  • One area to improve might be...

Seek Feedback: Encourage participants to share their thoughts and suggestions.

  • Do you have any feedback for me or the team?
  • How can we improve our processes?

5. Career Development and Goals (10 minutes)

Long-Term Goals: Discuss career aspirations and development plans.

  • Are there any skills you want to develop?

Training and Resources: Identify any training or resources needed.

  • Is there any training you’re interested in?
  • What resources can we provide to help you grow?

6. Closing and Next Steps (5 minutes)

Summarize Key Points: Recap the main takeaways from the meeting.

  • To summarize, we agreed on...
  • Your main focus for next week will be...

Set Next Meeting: Confirm the date and time for the next touch base meeting.

  • Let’s schedule our next meeting for...

Open Floor: Allow time for any final thoughts or questions.

  • Is there anything else you’d like to discuss?
  • Any last questions or comments?
How to Run a Weekly Touch Base Meeting (+ Template)
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How to Run a Weekly Touch Base Meeting (+ Template)
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How to Run a Weekly Touch Base Meeting (+ Template)
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