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Climate Tech, Sink or Swim

December 9, 2023
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Last updated
December 18, 2023
Jenna Pitkälä
Climate Tech, Sink or Swim
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Want to learn the best business insights from remarkable speakers at Slush 2023, but don’t have the time to watch the full speeches on YouTube?

You’ve come to the right place. Below is a summary of a speech by Marty Odlin is the founder of Running Tide, a global ocean health company that has risen to become the world's largest nature-based carbon removal supplier.

(psst: the notes were automatically generated with Wudpecker's AI notetaking tool. If you'd like to check these notes + transcript + audio recording without needing to log in, press here.)

<p class="h1-rich">🤏 TL;DR</p>

The meeting discussed the need to flip the narrative on climate change and incentivize positive action through the RECubic protocol, which generates credits for positive environmental actions. The role of Running Tide in ocean-based carbon removal was also highlighted, along with the importance of trust in building environmental credits. Action items included promoting the adoption of the RECubic protocol, trusting in simple systems, incentivizing positive actions, and defining a victory condition for the future that envisions a world of abundance.

<p class="h1-rich">✨ Summary</p>

The Path to Climate Victory

  • Climate doomers and the need to flip the narrative
  • The role of Running Tide in ocean-based carbon removal
  • The RECubic protocol for generating credits for positive action in nature

Incentivizing Positive Action

  • The need to pay people for positive action
  • Identifying the liabilities and the good work that can be incentivized
  • The importance of trust in building environmental credits

The RECubic Protocol

  • The formation and principles of the RECubic protocol
  • Its applicability to various environmental actions
  • The potential for wider adoption and participation

A Vision for the Future

  • Defining a victory condition beyond 2 degrees celsius
  • Unleashing creative energy and exponential mindset for positive action
  • Imagining a world where abundance and biodiversity thrive

The Role of Running Tide and the RECubic Protocol in Practice

  • The example of substrate creation for carbon removal and ocean acidification abatement
  • The potential for scaling up such projects
  • The need for wider adoption, trust, and learning from simple systems

Call to Action

  • Encouraging engagement with the RECubic protocol
  • Open source collaboration and building on existing work
  • The hope for a better world and leaving a positive legacy for future generations
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Climate Tech, Sink or Swim
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Climate Tech, Sink or Swim
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Climate Tech, Sink or Swim
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